Foldable reusable bags are made to easy collapse to the size of a small flashlight. They are the perfect bag to keep in your pocket or bag for that trip to the store. This foldable reusable bag is cotton, hand dyed with a natural indigo dye. This was inspired by a Shibori dyeing course I took with, once local, Miranda Anderson a couple years ago.
These are made in limited runs with largely locally sourced materials. The bags are easily rolled up and fasten with a button. These are the perfect bags to keep as an emergency spare in your bag or a compact solution for all your grocery shopping. Although these bags are compact they are all straight stitched and surged for maximum durability, so you can load them up without worry of them breaking or ripping. The end result are unique long lasting collapsible grocery bag with tons of style.
Any of our other bag designs can also be made with cotton fabric using this technique. Please contact me here if you would like to discuss a custom piece.
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